Friday, July 2, 2010


Everybody has heard of the Scripture that tells us to 'forget things of the past because God is doing something new.' (Isaiah 43:19) However, just days ago I heard the whisper of God telling me: "I'm making a new beginning out of a new beginning."

In other words, God is taking the very seed from within a new fruit He has created in order to do something even more special for a specific purpose.

After almost 15 years of traveling across America and especially the Southwest, I'm finding a brand new breed (seed) of Sephardic Jews with Latino roots that longing for a more intimate relationship with God than ever.

This breed of Sephardic Anusim has one thing in common--unquenchable passion for what is true. At last, I'm finding Sephardic Latinos that aren't compromising their values and principles in order to please or appease people. They're retrieving most of their ancestors' virtues that were passed down to them in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and the Southwest.

Another thing that separates them from all the rest is that they aren't gliding through the clouds of presumption, addicted to lifeless theologies or liturgies. They're not mere spectators but the very spectacles in God's ancient pathway. (Jeremiah 6:16) These folks are in touch with reality--from Capitol Hill and the Oval Office all the way down (or should I say up) to the grassroots where people are at right now. These folks are distinguished by a deep and genuine sense of "comunidad" (community). They are fully aware that without an integral commitment to comunidad they're sunk in today's malaise of troubles.

In other words, these people--Sephardic Latinos are in touch with the depth of true spirituality as well as the rudeness of reality. They've not given in to the deceptive illusions of today's chaotic mess in our government, politicians and those in positions of inbred power.

The folks I'm speaking about are 3rd, 4th, 5th generation American Latinos that have hid their true Sephardic identity for over 500 years and are coming out of hiding and taking possession of their God-given purpose and inheritance.

In recent past, I’ve begun to see something very spectacular to me. I'm now seeing that these people are sparking new hope and casting renewed light among the American Indian tribes and nations. New hope is arising within Indian Reservations as they too discover their roots and their destiny in life. I know we've got a long way to go but don't forget God's doing a new thing from within a new thing. I think we're alas finding the gold within our soul that was taken from us many generations ago.

I am totally convinced that in these perilous days, God is raising up a segment of His holy remnant that we've never realized even existed. God is also cleansing the chalkboard of our brain regarding our many misconceptions and misperception of the Sephardic Latinos as well as the Native Americans that live all around and among our people. God is crushing old fables, false myths and foul stereotypes in order that we begin to see the truth concerning our people and where we fit in these end-times which lead to Messiah's coming.

For more information on subjects such as this, visit my website at and feel free to send me a note when you wish.



Dell F. Sanchez, Ph.D.