Sunday, November 8, 2009

Operation Serape!!!

We’re at the brink of an incredible breakthrough. This is taking place while anti-Semitism is on the rise in our nation and around the world.

I’m referring to a group of Sephardic Anusim making Aliyah very soon. I’m not at freedom to release any information at this time until I see that it’s “safe” to do so.


I want to make it as clear as I can that these Sephardic Anusim are not from South America or some Latin American country or island--not that there’s anything wrong with that; in fact, I encourage it. I'm referring to Anusim of a Hispanic background who are 4th and 5th generation citizens of the U.S.A.

These are among those that grew up thinking they were goim (gentiles) and have recently discovered through genealogies, history and now through DNA that they’re bona fide descendants of Spanish Jews. These are the children of Sephardic forefathers who suffered immensely in the Spanish, Portuguese and Mexican Inquisitions. These were the holocausts that lasted around 300 years and too few know about them.

In an article published in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday October 31, 2009, it cites how the U.S. State Department has intervened in getting around 60 Yemeni Jews out of Yemen because of increasing anti-Semitic activity. This reminds me of the manner in which 49,000 Yemeni Jews were airlifted to in 1949-50 because of anti-Semitic uprisings in Yemen right after Israel’s rebirth as Statehood in 1947. The title of this operative was, “Operation Magic Carpet.”

Maybe Israel will call this Hispanic Sephardic Aliyah “Operation Serape.” I say this because the serape was used as a secret prayer shawl known as a Jewish talit. The next time you get a chance, check the top of a Mexican sombrero. Chances are that you’ll find a Star of David weaved on the top of it.

While we practically hold our breath as Israel approves these Hispanic Sephardim for Aliyah, we’re faced with all sorts of tests, challenges and opposition. Yes, I said opposition too! But the worst kind of opposition isn’t the one that’s ‘in your face’ kind of behavior. It would be better if it were, this way we could deal with it and move on. It’s the ‘behind your back’ subtlety that tends to tear me apart! It’s not the aggressive kind of opposition but the passive one that does nothing or drags its feet when it’s time to charge. (I’m probably going to get some negative responses out there because of what I’m saying here.)

You can’t imagine the intensity of this up hill conflict. You can’t imagine the magnitude of tests and challenges that come from every conceivable side of even the religious sectors. Yes, I did say “religious sectors.” I’m at awe in a sad way to see how the very basic mandates of the Bible (whether you’re Jewish or Christian) are stomped on by “religious people” every single day. God’s supreme mandate is LOVE: love for neighbors, love foreigners and even your enemies. Sad to say but I believe my name is on some enemy rosters.

Please pray that no weapon formed against these precious Sephardic Hispanics prospers! Help me pray against spoken words that are negative, cynical, competitive or downright ugly. Help me pray that The Almighty rise up a new cadre of prayer bands and intercessors that have no ulterior motive, no selfish ambition nor reputation to guard. Me? Hmmm, I lost my reputation a long time ago! Why? For one, because of who I am; and for two, because I don’t let the grass grow under my feet. This is a time to wake up, get up, get dressed and march—onward.

And while you’re praying, ask God to show you how you can help these Sephardic Hispanics make Aliyah with your financial help. They need help—they need it badly and they need it now! And as soon as you’re done praying, please take action! Remember: manana is today!

Prayer still works!



PS, With the holidays around the corner, I invite you to visit the book and DVD page of my website for possible gifts ( be sure to pass the word so that others might read what God's doing among our Hispanic Sephardim.